Monday, August 6, 2012

August 6, 2012

Hey Peeps,

Well time is now winding down. Only about 4 more weeks till... well, you know what. Im just starting to realize Dahlin and Connie are actually getting married, and next week too. I wish that I could be there with all my heart, but you know how it is... I hope you guys have the times of your lives. Its also cool to hear about Andrew coming home. October 8th huh?? Congrats! Well, at least I will be there for that one.

We had a another solid week. We went to Merida for a meeting with Pres and some other elders, and it ws a good one. We talked a lot on obedience and why we are obedient. I think I have talked about this before, but it always amazes me that no matter how much I study the gospel, it always centers back on one simple thing. Love. Its the most powerful feeling we have, and it is our motor for choosig the right always. Christ was sent because of love. He was willing to die for his love for us, and now our biggest reason for obeying should always be love.

I have to keep this one short today because we have a survey to fill out, but I will fill everyone in on the important details next week. I hope everyone has a great week. I hope Diane and Julie dont stress themselves out too much, but im sure the wedding will trun out great. Thaks again to Courtnie for always writing and showing the love, and a thanks to Suzanne for always writing as well. Im really proud of Kyle for what hes doing. 

Here are my two best comps I had, now assistants together. Thanks to everyone for everything. Next week. 

Elder Kitterman

Friday, August 3, 2012

July 30 2012

While thinking about a certain Miley Cirus song the other night, I asked my comp what does "moving my hips like ya" look like. He launches into a 30 min lecture on the different ways to move your hips. Favorties that he showed me were- The shakira, the one two step, and apple bottom jeans. That was very informative.

We had a great week. Like really great. And the thing is, I cant even tell you why.

But maybe I can try. I will first start off saying thanks to court for keeping the letters from the other elders coming. Kyles took me back to MTC days, which relly doesnt seem all that long ago. He thinks its hot now...where does he thinks hes serving, Alaska?? It was also rough hearing President Dix passed away... I sat across from him in my interview to go on a mission 2 years ago and he didnt even know that he had cancer. Now I wont get to thanks him for everything he did for me for a while.

On a much brighter note, we are doing really well down here in Yucatan land. We found a family last night (that has air conditioning in their house, BLESSING!!!) who were ready for everything. The father told about how he was doubting if God really existed with all the wars and what not and the mom told us she always felt like sopmething was missing when she went to other churches. We will see how it goes over the next few weeks.

Arturo and his family are still doing really well. Everyday they get more hungry for the gospel. We have hit a few speedbumps with him  and his current...uhh... mate not being married, but they say they want to get married. Can you say BODA!!! 

My comp is a master yoyo-er. He is teaching me a few things, that what that picture of. The other is us in comp study. Im wearing his glasses, cause i think they are pretty dope. And the other...well our freezer was a block of ice and we wanted to put something in there. Iron are multi use here!  

Well i hate to end this so short, but even though it was a good week I just cant come up with anything else. We are just working hard and seeing a lot of progress little by little. 

Talk to everyone next week!

Elder Kitterman

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23 2012

This week flew by. It went great though. We saw a bunch of miracles and found a lot of new people to teach and what not. Firstly, I was sad to hear about that guy that opened fire in the theater during Batman. Thats a bummer. I always wonder why people do that...

Well on a better note, we had changes today, and I finally realized im not in little Campeche anymore. There is 3 other zones here in Cancun, and while at the bus station to see all the other elders off, I saw a lot of old faces that I had seen for a while. It was way sweet. Elder Laudie and I of course both stayed, but there were a lot of other changes in the mission. 

While knocking late one morning, just before a set appointment we had, we found a lady named Maria. She lives on the top floor of an apartment building that is surrounded by dozens of others just like it. I have no idea how we ended up at her door, but it happened. She comes out and seemed very happy to have us. While talking to her, she told us that late the night before, she had arrived from the state of Tobasco for problems she was having back there. She was looking for work, but more than that, she was looking to start over. She told us that she had prayed dozens of times between the time that she had arrived and the time that we got there, asking for a new opportunity and a new life. She is stoked for baptism and went to church yesterday and loved it. She is also very excited for us to talk with her 16 year old son who will be moving from tobasco to cancun this week probably. 

One of our more escogido investigators surprised this week with some cool info. His name is Arturo, and he drives buses for the city. We found him knocking, and he has taken a lot of interest in everything. Turns out that 2 days before we knocked his door, he found an Ensign at work and has been reading it. He liked it so mch that he was looking in all the secondhand stores he could find for a book of mormon. He remembered seeing one a long time ago and wanted to get one to read. He gave him one and he wanted to know how much it cost. We told him it was free, but that he had to read it. I surprised myself by saying that this book is worth more to me than anything else I have, and it doesnt cost a thing. I would be willing to give up any material posesion I have for that book. He has read a lot so far, and loves it. 

We also gave one to his daughter in law, who loves to read it as well. When we asked her how it was going with the book, she showed us how she had been marking her favorite parts, and not just that, but she was marking what she felt she needed to change in her life and then was praying after to ask for help and guiandance while making the change. She is 14. It took me 19 years and a mission to figure out how to do that, and she does after one week reading it. She says she feels something diferent, something special while reading it. She cant put it down. And sometimes as members, we go days, weeks, dare i say months without reading it on our own. We shouldnt take it for advatage. 

Those were just a few a the better moments from the week. It really was a great week. Elder Laudie and I have been slacking on the picture taking. We talked about it last night. We will take more pics this week! ¡Se lo juro! But we are working hard and having a great time along on the way. I hope everyone has a great week. Lots of love!
Elder Kitterman

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 16 2012

So yes I did get changed to Cancun. This place has changed quite a bit really. They have all new buses that are way high tech and what not. Technology amazes me now. i cant imagine what it will be like to go home to all that. Speaking of buses, the other day a bus passed by plastered in an advertisment for Batman.... I just looked down at the ground and kicked some rocks. 

So the pictures are some random pics of me and missionaries, and today my comp taught me how to tie a bow tie! Its pretty legit.
My area is the right next to my first real area in the mission when i started, and a lot of the members from this ward knew tha they recognized me from somewhere. Back then i couldnt speak spanish and i only ever saw them for a second every sunday, so i was surprised they even recognized me. Im with Elder Laudie, from Pleseant grove utah, and is... something else. We get along great, and i already knew him for more than a year ago. to give you an idea, every morning to do 30 minutes of excersize, he gets up and dances to no music, but its the funniest dance ive ever seen. 

I dont have to much to write about this week. It was rough leaving my last area, since i assumed i was going to finish there. I couldnt say goodbye to anyone, since they told me at 10 at night and i was on a bus at 8 the next morning, but thats the mission. Im excited to be here though. Its a solid ward and they are very excited to help the missionaries. 

We are teaching an awesome family of 6 right now that are ready, they just have to get married and they are set for baptism! They are way cool. We also have an investigator whose husband is a less active that grew up in California, San Jose. Its kinda weird cause he always speaks to us in english but his wife doesnt know that much so we have to switch back and forth and its gets pretty interesting. We also have two young men we are teaching that speak better english than they do spanish since they grew up in the states. So i taught my first lesson in enlgsih the other day. It was way weird. I couldnt really
put all my taughts together to form everything i wanted to say, but hopefully i will get better.

well thats about it for this week. Times winding down now, its starting to scare me really. As i come to the realize that its coming to an end, I thank the Lord for everything he has given me, and i ask that he forgives my faults and for all those i could have helped if i would have been a litle better. I can feel his love and the confirmation that he has accpeted what i have given thus far, but i still have much more to give. I love this work.

Have a greatt week everyone!

Elder Kitterman

July 9 2012

They special changed me to cancun. Im back in the zone where my first real area was, and in the same chapel, just the area next to it.  i have no idea why or what. Im so confused, but i prayed right after getting the call and have been able to stay level headed about the whole thing. i will write more next week. my comp is elder Laudie from utah, and ive known him for a while now. hes a great guy.
More next week. I was on the bus alllll day today....again.
Thanks for everything. love ya
Elder Kitterman

July 2 2012

Well we are literally on our way to Merida. We just stopped by really quick to write cause we dont thik we will have time in Merida to do it. So not a lot of time, but I do my best to give the DL.

We did two day divisions with some elders here in Campeche and I was with Elder Meador, who is a pilot. I made him promise me like 50 million times to take me flying when he gets home next year. He says he will if he lets me go to a track meet. done.

Remember when i told you guys at mothers day that I wanted to find a family? Well even before that Ive felt that we were lacking someone, and we.  Carlos and Aurrora, a young married couple with two little daughters, are the ones we have been looking for a while now. Its funny how Im now able to tell if there is somebdy im looking for. At the begining of my mission I couldnt ever tell the difference, but as Ive tried to pay much more attention to the spirit, I can now tell now there is somebody specific that we have to find. They are so excited about all of it, and are making all the necessary changes to be able to go to church every sunday and the whole shabang.

But on te other hand, there are always people lookig for us. We were going with Carlos and Aurrora to church yesterday morning, when a police officer came out of his guard house near a small school and field to cal us over. We sent Crlos and his wife on to the bus stop and went over to talk to him. He said he had a question. He asked us what the significance of a holocaust was. No, not the holocaust of the Jews, but a holocaust from the old testament. We explained it to him and about sacrifices and that they represented the sacrifice of Christ before his coming. He thought for a second and then said "i was reading about that in the bible, and it mentioned something about atonement too. What is that?" We explained it along with our short testimonies of Christ. We could see a fire slowly growing in his eyes. As tears rolled down his cheeks, he told us "Ive ben looking for so long for the truth. Where is it?" We quickily explained that it has all been restorted. We gave him a book of mormon, a few pamphlets, and a promise that we would come back later that day. 

We went back that night, and there he was waiting for us. He had read the pamphlets and a little of the book of mormon. He said "As soon as i can Im buying a white shirt and tie and im finding one of your churches." He doesnt live in our area, so we passed his direction along to the sister missionaries that are there. I was so impacted by this encounter that I bore my testimony in church on the blesing we have to be in the truth, and to know of the atonement. Imagine going your whole life without the knowledge of the greatest of most redeeming event to have ever transpired in the history of the world. Imaine not being able to use in your life, because you simply dont know. But here is the better question- If you do know it, do you use it? Whens the last time you used it? 

Im grateful for a loving Savior. Im grateful for an infnite scrifice that allows me to be clean and free of sins and burdens. Christ suffered all for you and I. If we realy love him, it will not be in vain. That is the great truth. 

Have a great week! Say your prayers, read your scrptures, and love more.  

Elder Kitterman

June 25 2012

I will start off with thw worldly. Ashton Eaton seriously broke the world record in the decathlon? Thats sick!!!! Im so happy i got to go see that guy compete before leaving. It was a bummer to hear Clay DQed, but it happens. He will still alwasy be one of my favs.
My heart is very full after this past weekend. We had stake conference yesterday, and it was amazing. Two converts that I taught and baptized recieved the Melchizedek preisthood, one being Carlos, who, aftering being sustained to the office of Elder, was called up to bear his testimony in front of the whole stake. He shared an experince he had had with prayer, and then a sincere testimony of Christ. I couldnt help but think back to almost 3 months ago when we first sat in his living room and he told us that he never had intentions of joining the church. Nothing has ever felt more fufilling than that one sweet moment hearing him tell a packed stake center that this was the true church, and that Christ lives.
Daniel, who was also sustained to the office of an elder, was jumped Saturday night while with his family at a park in downtown. He was blindsided by some guy with a pipe and then kicked several times in the face while on the ground, despite the fact that he was already unconscious. He is alright, but will probably have to have surgrey on his eye that got hit to relieve the blood that is now causing preasure there. Also he needs a new smile. I talked to him on the phone when i found out, and the thing he was most upset about was the fact that he missed but sustained, but it still happened. The reason why this happened was becuase a few years back he wasnt the great kid andhad many problems with more than a few people. But after meeting his girlfriend, a verly faithful member, he changed everything and was baptized back in April. He is 20 and the nicest guy you could ever meet. Please pray for him.
Other than that, the conference was great because the speakers were amazing. Elder Johnson, an area 70, President Salinas and his wife, and the Merida temple president and his wife, all spoke. After the conference i was bombarded by a small mob of members from all over Campeche that I was close to in my others 3 wards here in the stake. It was awesome to see all of them again. 
Well im a litele shorter on time today, so Im going to get going on writing others, but it really was an amazing week. Sorry for no pics this week, for sure next week. Much love.
Elder Kitterman